From body detoxification and immune support to weight management and pain relief, the HOCATT™ can benefit you in so many health boosting and regenerative ways.


When it’s working properly, the immune system is nature’s most perfect healing network — it provides the ideal platform for the recovery of any illness or disease.

However, the immune systems not invincible! It can be weakened  by things that overburden it, like heavy metals and toxins in the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the food we eat. In today’s world we are all steadily exposed to toxins, and most of us remain unaware as they continue to accumulate. Eventually, the pace of incoming toxins may overtake the pace at which your body can eliminate them. When you reach this point, your body has no choice but to store some of these toxins, which it does in your fat cells.

An unhealthy lifestyle such as eating too much sugar, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise, stress, too little sleep, and lack of oxygen also weakens the immune system.

When this happens, the door is left open, for disease to creep in. This is why supporting the immune system is so important because it’s not just there to fight diseases. A strong and balanced immune system will prevent you from getting sick in the first place. When your immune system is strong, everything works better!

This means you’ll FEEL better, LOOK better, PERFORM better, and have MORE energy, focus and drive


The HOCATT™ delivers a combination of modalities perfectly sequenced to give a gentle, but incredibly powerful session that boosts energy, and detoxifies the body down to cellular level. The main modality is Transdermal Ozone, which is generated from pure Oxygen. You can think of Ozone as a Super-Oxygen!


The HOCATT™ is 7x more effective at detoxifying the body and  chelating/ binding to heavy metals then conventional saunas! While relaxing in the HOCATT™, the ozonated steam covers your skin, flooding your body with Super-Oxygen products! These binds to toxins and heavy metals, making it easier for your body to excrete them, and because the HOCATT™ is also a steam sauna chamber, you get to sweat the toxins out too!

Not only does the HOCATT™ detox your body, it also stimulates the immune system. It also improves blood and lymph circulation, and enhances all organ function — including the production of hormones and enzymes. The HOCATT™ also reduces stress and anxiety, which is very important for immune health.

This is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This website offers general information and in no way should anyone consider this site representative of the practice of medicine. It is important that you do not reduce, change, or discontinue any medication or treatment without first consulting your doctor before beginning any new program.